Welcome to BuloBoard where all motivational and inspirational articles are born. It's coming to the end of the year and your son or daughter has to sit for form four and of course in due time, the results are awaited. They have struggled to make you proud of them. And now it's your part that remains, thought of. But the question remains: Are you going to let him or her branch right after form four or you want him back there for more two years in an advanced level ? Am not trying to say that they don't have choices of their own, but before you let them choose where to go, remember it's your duty too to let them roll on in the right path. So having a seat with them and talk out__what your opinion is based on and what their opinions are based on too, with deeper explanations from both sides, leaves them relieved and leaves them with no such a comment like "Dad forced me to do this, I would be better off with this" and though their opinions are not...