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Showing posts with the label Fik famieka

Sheebah Or Cindy, Ani akikuba ?

For almost a month, I've been ignoring these issues but till 24 March a Saturday when I was watching Urban's Double Trouble with DJ Crim when I heard one of the fans saying Cindy Sanyu is Outdated compared to Sheebah . But does it mean Sheebah is taking the lead ? I won't say am neutral as many said in favour of their jobs.   Dating back to Cindy's time, who doesn't remember this hot diva in Ayokya yokya club banger, a lyrical mind set ? Before we judge, let's talk about this confusion moving around here mbu Sheehan has more hit songs than Cindy. What are hit songs by the way ? If you don't know then let's try to find out. Hits can be categorised into two i.e short term hits and long term hits (sometimes called Anthems). A good external example I can give for concrete explanation is: Look at Fik Fameika's songs and Bennie Gunter's. I know they don't fall under the same genre but since all are played as club bangers, then i...